0 / 30 pts


The calm of the countryside, the charm of the Seine valley… while having the characteristics of a rural town, Verrières can be considered as a semi-urban commune with the presence of medical and commercial services and a dynamic social life offered by a dozen sports, social and cultural associations.

Step 01 / 06

See the route on a map
Starting point : parking lot at the square “Place René Renault” or “Place de la Libération” in Verrières
See the route on a map

Welcome to Verrières !

Verrières is located about 10 km from the historic centre of Troyes and 2 km from exit 21 – Saint Thibault on the A5 highway from Paris.


3 hamlets were brought together to form the present village: Saint Martin, Saint-Aventin and Verrières. The calm of the countryside, the charm of the Seine valley… while having the characteristics of a rural town, Verrières can be considered as a semi-urban commune with the presence of medical and commercial services and a dynamic social life offered by a dozen sports, social and cultural associations.


01 /15

How are the inhabitants of Verrières called?

Sorry !

Step 02 / 06

See the route on a map
Stand in front of the church.
See the route on a map


02 /15

On the pediment, find out which character contributed to the construction of the bell tower?

Sorry !

Step 03 / 06

See the route on a map
Cross the road carefully at the pedestrian crossing and make sure to respect the signs.


03 /15

What special feature is mentioned on the cemetery entrance gate? It offers…

Sorry !


04 /15

Why does the cemetery of Verrières have graves of the British Empire soldiers?

Sorry !


05 /15

What is the average age of the deceased airmen (for the 6 of them for which the information appears on their graves)?

Sorry !


06 /15

From which countries did these airmen come from?

Sorry !

Step 04 / 06

See the route on a map
Now, look closely at the church to answer the following questions.


07 /15

The church has a small turret attached to the bell tower.

How many windows (“loopholes”) can you see?

Sorry !


08 /15

Observe carefully.

What date is associated with “MONTAGNE” (“mountain")

Please respect the monument and make sure to not write anything, any sign or name on it

Sorry !

When leaving the cemetery, look for the altitude marker on the wall of the church to determine the altitude of this place as in this photo (example of another commune of Troyes La Champagne).

Sorry !

Step 05 / 06

See the route on a map
Continue towards the bus shelter.


10 /15

A book box has been installed on the basis of an idea from the Municipal Youth Council.

In what year was this project done?

Sorry !


11 /15

Nearby, you will discover the war memorial.

How many people’s names are listed on this monument?

Sorry !

Step 06 / 06

See the route on a map
Retrace your steps towards the town hall opposite the church.
See the route on a map


12 /15

What time does the post office open on weekdays?

Sorry !


13 /15

On the pediment of the town hall, have a look at the town’s coat of arms.

Name 2 of its attributes.

Sorry !


14 /15

What service is housed in the beautiful half-timbered house next to the church?

Sorry !


15 /15

Les différents outils du parfait écolier ornent les murs extérieurs des écoles maternelles et élémentaires.

What initials are on the compass pencil?

Sorry !

Well done !

You’ve just completed your tourism quiz in Verrières!

If you enjoyed this discovery, please feel free to try the other quizzes in the other villages of Troyes La Champagne or to consult the information about Verrières on the Troyes La Champagne Tourisme website, including an audio commentary by clicking here.

If you’re a keen cyclist, there’s also a route that passes through the village: see the circuit.

See you soon!

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Photos credits : © NV – Troyes La Champagne Tourisme

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