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Famous people from Troyes

Discover Troyes through the personalities who have written its history, whether they were natives of Troyes and the surrounding area or just visitors.

Step 01 / 11

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Starting point : Troyes La Champagne Tourisme
16 rue Aristide Briand, 10000 - Troyes
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During this game, you will have to answer questions to find out the identity of these people and discover what made them famous. If you don’t find the answer, it is fine! You can ask for a clue or give up… (in which case you lose 1 point).

Don’t forget to bring a map of the historic centre of Troyes!

Step 02 / 11

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Head for the church of Saint-Jean-au-Marché, which you can see just a stone's throw from Troyes La Champagne Tourism.
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Famous people from Troyes

01 /14

In this church, a very famous woman in America was baptised

Who was she ?

Write her full name.

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Famous people from Troyes

02 /14

It was in the church of St Jean-au-marché that, on 2 June 1420, the marriage between the King of England, Henry V, and the daughter of the King of France, Charles VI, was celebrated, a key event in the Treaty of Troyes.

What was the goal of the Treaty?

église Saint-Jean-au-marché AL - Troyes Champagne Tourisme (4)
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Step 03 / 11

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Return to the street “rue Champeaux” until you find the alley called “Ruelle des chats”, an emblematic alleyway in the town of Troyes.
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The “Ruelle des chats” (“alley of the cats”)

Perpendicular to this alley on your left is the courtyard “Cour du Mortier d’or”. Walk through this courtyard and admire the passageways, the gateway and its magnificent sculptures.


Step 04 / 11

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Exit onto the street “rue des Quinze Vingts”, turn right and then left at the junction. Then take the street “rue Brunneval” until you reach the house called the “Maison Rachi”.
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Famous people from Troyes

03 /14

Rachi (1040-1105) was a famous 11th-century rabbi and commentator on the sacred texts of Judaism. His work is still read and studied by Jews all over the world.

What was his profession?

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Step 05 / 11

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Continue along rue Brunneval as far as the intersection and turn right up into the street “rue de la Monnaie”. At the well, turn left into the square “Place Jean-Jaurès”.
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This used to be the place where executions were carried out…

Famous people from Troyes

04 /14

L'écrivain Victor Hugo s'est inspiré de faits réels pour écrire un court roman dont le protagoniste connaitra une fin tragique à Troyes.

De quel roman s'agit-il ?

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Step 06 / 11

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Continue towards the church of Saint-Pantaleon via the courtyard “Cour Doué”. This narrow alleyway lies between a bar and an Asian restaurant.
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Doué's court

Step 07 / 11

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Take the street “rue Turenne” down to the street “rue du Général Saussier”. Go to no. 28.
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Rue du Général Saussier

Famous people from Troyes

05 /14

Did you know that some grapevines maps from Troyes were at the origin of an Asian vineyard?

But in which Asian country were these vines from Troyes acclimatized?

On the house at no. 28, you will notice the vine and bunches of grapes carved on the corner post at the corner of the street “rue Saussier” and the street “de la montée aux changes”.

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Charles Baltet

charles baltet

This man from Troyes devoted his entire life to his passion: horticulture. First a brilliant student, then a hard worker, he spent as much time in the nurseries experimenting with new grafts as behind his desk writing articles and treatises, or getting involved in horticultural societies.


Together with his brother Ernest, he is credited with the creation of over a hundred fruit varieties.


He also fought actively and successfully against phylloxera, the aphid that took hold in France in 1866 and devastated many vineyards.

Today, his great grandsons continue the family tradition, working as horticulturists and nurserymen.

Charles Baltet’s “L’art de greffer les arbres et arbrisseaux” (1880 edition)


Famous people from Troyes

06 /14

Saviez-vous que c'est un aubois qui a fondé l'Ordre du temple en 1129 ?

Mais quel était son nom ?

Remontez la rue Saussier jusqu'au n°3 où se trouve actuellement un établissement scolaire privé qui était le lieu de la première commanderie templière de Troyes.

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Step 08 / 11

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Go to the Basilica of Saint-Urbain via the street “rue Emile Zola”.
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Saint-Urbain's basilica

Famous people from Troyes

07 /14

Jacques Pantaléon, from Troyes, became pope in 1261

Under which pope's name is he known?

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Step 09 / 11

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Now, go to the square “Place de la Libération” and look for the sculpture of a male bust. The square “Place de la Libération”.
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La place de la Libération

Famous people from Troyes

08 /14

Now, go to the square “Place de la Libération” and look for the sculpture of a male bust. The square “Place de la Libération”.

What is his name?

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Step 10 / 11

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Continue to the canal and cross it. You are in front of the gateway to the “Hotel Dieu” and the Apothecary's (18th century).
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The Apothecary

The apothecary of the “Hotel-Dieu” houses a large collection of pharmacy jars that once contained balms and pills, as well as an exceptional collection of over 300 painted wooden medicinal boxes known as silenas.

Famous people from Troyes

09 /14

This psychotherapist and pharmacist who practised in Troyes invented a method that bears his name...

What is this method?

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Step 11 / 11

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Now, go to the Saint-Pierre Saint-Paul cathedral.
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Saint-Pierre-Saint-Paul Cathedral

The answer can be found on the commemorative plaque on the Tour St Pierre (left tower).

Famous people from Troyes

10 /14

One of the most emblematic figures in French history came to Troyes accompanied by a future king of France.

Who was it?

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The Treasure Room - Cathedral

In the treasure room of Troyes Cathedral lies the skull of a famous figure who had a profound impact on the religious history of Troyes and France.

Who was he?

Famous people from Troyes

11 /14

In the Treasure Room of Troyes Cathedral lies the skull of a famous figure who had a big effect on the religious history of Troyes and France. Who is this person?

What is his full name?

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Famous people from Troyes

12 /14

Right next to the cathedral is a museum named after a very important bishop in the history of Troyes.

What was his name?

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Famous people from Troyes

13 /14

Next to this museum is the street “rue Chrétien de Troyes”, the famous medieval novelist.

But what is his most famous work?

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Famous people from Troyes

14 /14

Your journey in the footsteps of the personalities who have left their mark on the history of Troyes is coming to an end. But before you finish your walk, join the canal on “Quai Dampierre”...

Look at this painting! Who is it of?

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Bravo !

Well done!

You have brilliantly completed your tourist investigation in the footsteps of the most emblematic figures in the history of Troyes.


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