0 / 28 pts
Famous people from Troyes
Discover Troyes through the personalities who have written its history, whether they were natives of Troyes and the surrounding area or just visitors.
Step 01 / 11
16 rue Aristide Briand, 10000 - Troyes
During this game, you will have to answer questions to find out the identity of these people and discover what made them famous. If you don’t find the answer, it is fine! You can ask for a clue or give up… (in which case you lose 1 point).
Don’t forget to bring a map of the historic centre of Troyes!
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The “Ruelle des chats” (“alley of the cats”)
Perpendicular to this alley on your left is the courtyard “Cour du Mortier d’or”. Walk through this courtyard and admire the passageways, the gateway and its magnificent sculptures.
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Charles Baltet
This man from Troyes devoted his entire life to his passion: horticulture. First a brilliant student, then a hard worker, he spent as much time in the nurseries experimenting with new grafts as behind his desk writing articles and treatises, or getting involved in horticultural societies.
Together with his brother Ernest, he is credited with the creation of over a hundred fruit varieties.
He also fought actively and successfully against phylloxera, the aphid that took hold in France in 1866 and devastated many vineyards.
Today, his great grandsons continue the family tradition, working as horticulturists and nurserymen.
Charles Baltet’s “L’art de greffer les arbres et arbrisseaux” (1880 edition)
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The Apothecary
The apothecary of the “Hotel-Dieu” houses a large collection of pharmacy jars that once contained balms and pills, as well as an exceptional collection of over 300 painted wooden medicinal boxes known as silenas.
Saint-Pierre-Saint-Paul Cathedral
The answer can be found on the commemorative plaque on the Tour St Pierre (left tower).
The Treasure Room - Cathedral
In the treasure room of Troyes Cathedral lies the skull of a famous figure who had a profound impact on the religious history of Troyes and France.
Who was he?
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